
Showing posts from September, 2011

Through the tunnel-Summary

'Through the Tunnel' by Lessing, it all starts on the first morning of holiday, on a beach in a foreign country; Jerry, an English boy and his mom ussually visit for holidays. Neither of them wants to be too demanding.      Jerry wants to explore a rocky bay away from his mom. He goes so far that he sees a blared vision of his mom. On the shore, he sees half-naked boys much order than him, burned smooth brown, speaking a strange language. He swims over but keeps a distance, he craves to be part of them. He gets exited as one of them waves at him, but they hate the fact that he is a foreigner as he draws nearer. They dive off a high point in the water, he is impressed by the way they can hold their breaths under water, he hates the challenge and asks his mom for swimming goggles. He tries diving through an underwater tunnel but he can't hold his breath for as long since he has nosebleeds. On the last day before departure, he finally swims through the tunnel. He achieves tru

Experience on how to create a blog.

I went to internet explorer and then went to google. I then went to gmail homepage. Created a gmial account. Went to and then I created a blog account. I found it lots of fun and yet a little challenging, especially when creating a gmail account. They kept on giving me some really weirdly fonted words to re-type it's rather frustrating. They didn't approve of my password seven consecutive times..,imagine that : ( ! Anyway, to a certain extent i'm thrilled now that I have these accounts.